Welcome to the CCC Psalm 119 Resources page! We are looking forward to reading Psalm 119 with you this summer!

If you look up Psalm 119 you will find countless plans, ideas, thoughts, etc. If you have a few minutes, take a look! We trust you to discern what your desire is and how to read through Psalm 119.  However, we do have a few suggestions if you would like them!

Bible Reading Plan, Crave (short reading & highlights one verse per day)

CCC Women’s Group Reading Plan (only scripture, split into 22 passages)

Bible Reading Plan, Love God Greatly (short reading  & one passage per day)

Feel free to use these plans as guides and move at your own pace! 

If you aren’t able to be a part of the CCC women’s discussion group on Thursday nights you can still participate in reading Psalm 119! Be creative - ask someone to read it with you and meet up at another time and place that works for you!

If you are interested in journaling your thoughts about Psalm 119, grab a journal from the GET CONNECTED Table at CCC on Sunday morning. In the journal, you will find a handout of a suggested Bible Study Method if you would like a few prompts to guide you.

If you have any questions please contact Dee Coates, at 757-685-2830.